A Retrospective on Rushing DKA
By Alex McArver

As the DKA Beta Chapter prepares to accept another incredible class of pledges it is as good a time as any to look back at the different experiences of current Active Members (or actives) when they rushed DKA. Every rush experience is unique but many share the same features, like failing to dress on theme or a lack of excitement about the idea of Greek life, but all these past pledges went on to become incredible members and have loved their time as part of DKA. Whether you are an active looking to reminisce or a potential future pledge it’s important to visit the origins of joining DKA, how nerve-racking it is to rush, but also how worthwhile it is.
Our current Chapter President, Alex Shores, likely had it the worst as he rushed DKA during the pandemic and was forced to mingle with actives over Zoom. The first event he attended was Speed Dating, which normally consists of a room of actives that potential new members (or PNMs) circle through to get a chance to have a short conversation, or at least make an impression, on every active there. Shores, however, was put in breakout rooms with actives to have those same one-on-one conversations; he still really enjoyed it, though, because it was his first real chance to, “geek out about film.” After attending his first rush event Shores was apprehensive about if he really wanted to rush a fraternity. Still, just through the conversations he had, he could tell it was an exciting opportunity. He is still slightly disappointed about his unconventional rush process, but now he looks forward to helping create an open and inviting space every semester for new PNMs.
The semester after Shores joined DKA, Jairo Zelaya attended an in-person Speed Dating event and
commented, “Everybody there…had interesting questions and it felt like they really wanted to get to know [him].” He went on to explain that he talked less about film with the actives and more about himself and his interests which led him to feel less nervous about the rush process overall.
The following semester saw Liam Henson joining the ranks of DKA, despite never having attended a single Speed Dating event to this day, but he explained how attending the Rush Mixer behind the GSU Ballroom felt like, “a breath of fresh air.” Henson explained that after attending the first Mixer he “walked away with a sense of community like right off the bat,” which he admits made him skeptical because everyone was almost “too nice,” however, in hindsight, he knows they were all honestly being themselves.
A year later, Vinny Sep rushed DKA and stated that what he remembers most from the two events he was able to attend was that he played cornhole with Grace O’Brian and that while everyone was incredibly nice Danielle Momoh helped set the tone because she “had a really welcoming vibe.” Sep went on to say that his only regret is that he wishes he had made more of an effort to get to know people all across the chapter while he was rushing because getting to meet everyone was really fun.
Wilmer Castro and Ella Donovan rushed during the following semester and they both felt that the first rush event, the Barbie-themed Mixer, felt crowded but it was never overwhelming because there was always someone to talk to. They both also rushed alongside a friend which made the whole experience much less overwhelming. Now, as they get to experience rush from the other side for the first time, both Donovan and Castro said they look forward to getting to know new people without the added pressure.
Rushing any fraternity will always be a scary experience no matter how you go about it, but rushing DKA is a safe and worthwhile risk according to these past pledges. As for active members, while another pledge class enters our ranks it’s important to remember the humble beginnings of what it means to rush, and how intimidating it can be, because it helps us appreciate where we are now even more.